Once people get sick, they will take medicine. Usually, some people who have a fever and a cold will go to the pharmacy to buy medicine for themselves, but they don't know that if they take the medicine incorrectly, they will not only "get rid of the disease", but also cause other problems.

Recently, a patient with severe drug eruption and severe liver damage caused by taking ready-for-use traditional Chinese medicine was admitted to the Department of Hepatology of Ganzhou Fifth People's Hospital. After a month of meticulous treatment, she was reborn and returned to normal life.

Aunt Liu, 54, has high fever for unknown reasons, and her body temperature continues above 40 ℃. Her high fever persists, her face is swollen, and her skin has red rashes in many parts of her body. After being hospitalized in the local hospital, the patient still has a high fever, and the whole body rash increases, accompanied by large skin peeling and facial edema on the face, chest, back and limbs. More than 90% of the patient's skin peeling, more secretions in eyes and mouth, ulceration in lips and mouth, and obvious throat pain make it impossible to eat. And abnormal liver function, involving the heart and other organs, the condition is difficult and critical, the treatment effect is not good, and the family members are in a hurry.

After many inquiries, he was finally transferred to the Fifth People's Hospital of Ganzhou City for hospitalization. The patient was in critical condition. Vice President Zhou Guanlin led the liver disease team of the Fifth Hospital to diagnose severe drug eruption based on rich clinical experience, and worked out an individualized treatment plan.

Patients were given glucocorticoid and immunoglobulin immediately after diagnosis. During the treatment, due to the large wound area and difficult nursing, the doctor carefully treated her skin wound every day. After disinfecting all the skin with dilute iodine, all the wounds were rubbed with more than 100 states, and then Vaseline gauze was applied.

In order to prevent infection caused by decreased immune function after damaged skin integrity, doctors gave anti-infection treatment and monitored basic vital signs, infection indicators, liver and kidney functions, electrolytes and other indicators. At the same time, actively replenish fluid, albumin and electrolyte, closely monitor the disease condition, continuously evaluate and adjust the treatment plan in time.

After careful care, careful care and patient appeasement by medical staff, the patient was finally helped to tide over the difficulties. Aunt Liu's fever symptoms improved, and her whole body skin was reborn after skin peeling.

Everything is developing in a good direction, and patients and their families regain their confidence. When they are looking forward to getting better and better, patients will have high fever and chills again and again. It has been found that the patient's blood has been infected with positive bacteria, negative bacteria and Candida albicans one after another. Without the protection of skin barrier, infection is inevitable. Repeated and long-term high fever once again makes the patient lose confidence and shows great concern about the prognosis of the disease. Even the idea of giving up treatment came into being. After strong antibacterial and antifungal treatment by the liver disease team of Ganzhou Fifth People's Hospital and patient persuasion, the patient finally turned the corner, successfully passed the infection, controlled his condition and discharged smoothly.

Before leaving the hospital, the patients and their families expressed their heartfelt thanks to the Department of Hepatology, Ganzhou Fifth People's Hospital, and expressed their full gratitude for being reborn.

In special times, please don't blindly hoard medicines and medication, and seek medical treatment in time. Please take medicines under the guidance of medical staff. All medical staff of Ganzhou Fifth People's Hospital always guard your life and escort your health

Popular science:

Drug eruption is a non-therapeutic reaction caused by drugs, and skin is one of the common target organs of adverse drug reactions. Inflammatory skin lesions caused by drugs entering human body through various ways such as oral administration, injection and inhalation may involve other systems of the body in severe cases. For patients with severe drug eruption, death may be caused by untimely treatment or complications, and the mortality rate is high.

Experts remind: Drug eruption should be highly valued, diagnosed early, assessed in time, referred as soon as possible, and treated in hospitals with relevant diagnosis and treatment conditions.